+91 1010101010 hmoa@gmail.com

Election Constitution

  • The General House shall elect the office bearers of the Governing Body in its Annual General Meeting once in every three years. Provided that for the initial registration of the Society and to adopt the Memorandum of Association and the Rules and Regulations of the Society, the General House may elect the interim Governing Body to carry out the special function of registration of Society and after the registration of the Society may call to order the General House meeting under the notified Regulations to elect the office bearers of the Gover
  • All application for candidature for office bearers of the General Body shall be made with in 10 days of the schedule of election notified by the Secretary and candidate may withdrawal his candidature within 7 days after the scrutiny of names and its Notification by the Secretary.
  • The election to elect office bearers shall be thereafter held in the annual meeting of the Society called every three years.
  • No member shall be allowed to vote, who is in arrears of the Society dues or who has been expelled, suspended or removed from the membership of the Society or debarred to caste vote elsewhere under these regulations.
  • The election may be held either through secret ballot or by voice vote in the meeting of the Society.
  • The President of the Governing Body may appoint a Returning officer for the conduct of the election. On appointment such Returning Officer shall carry out the election process of election.
  • The result of the election shall be announced by the returning officer so appointed by the President.
  • All election documents shall be preserved for six months by the secretary.
  • The office bearers of the Governing Body so elected shall also be the office bearers of the General Body.
  • If, an account of any ineligibility or proven misbehavior or misconduct, 3/4th members, present in the annual general meeting of the Society pass resolution for the removal of the President or the Secretary or any office bearer such President or the Secretary or office bearer shall stand removed from their respective office with immediate effect.
  • The decision of the President, as to the procedure of the Society, the Annual General Meeting and the election meeting shall be final unless contested by 3/4th members present in that meeting.
  • All proceeding shall be duly recorded and signed by the President and Secretary.